Securing Federal Health’s Financial Integrity

National Government Services delivers financial accuracy in federal health program administration. Our solutions ensure precision and efficiency in our reimbursement and auditing processes, relentlessly combatting fraud wherever it appears and providing a frictionless appeals process. Our solutions give health agencies the confidence that funds are accurately and appropriately allocated.

  • Standardize Financial Tools
  • Safeguarding the Financial Integrity
  • Scalable and Customizable Solutions
  • Automated Processes

Ensuring Financial Accuracy and Integrity

Trust Fund Management
Trust Fund Management
Adaptable Solutions
Audits with Accuracy
Staying Vigilant

As experts in federal trust fund management, we act as intermediaries between healthcare providers and the Medicare program, providing timely communication, detecting and reporting errors, and proactively working with providers to resolve issues.

  • Several Layers of Authentication
  • Multiple Levels of Review
  • Integration with Legacy Systems
Trust Fund Management

Our financial solutions offer the resiliency and flexibility to respond to unexpected challenges in the provider payment processes without interruption.

  • Process for Flexible Repayment Options
  • Processes to Extended Repayment Schedules
  • Retain Financial Processes Stability
Adaptable Solutions

Our audit and reimbursement team combines accuracy with person-to-person communication to preserve the financial integrity of the Medicare program.

  • Standardized Quality Checking Processes
  • High-Touch Customer Service
  • Technology to Ensure Accuracy
Audit Accuracy

National Government Services monitors over 6 million claims a day to detect and investigate fraud, waste and abuse within federal health programs.

  • Helping Programs Recoup Lost Money
  • Federal Health Expertise to Safeguard Taxpayer Dollars
  • Auto-Detection for FW&A
  • Predictive Modeling
Federal Fact

“Medicare covers over 60 million+ people. Total expenditures exceed $730 billion”
Gradient N Logo

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